Executive Committee

  1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed and control by the Executive Committee which shall consist of following members
  2. The Executive Committee shall have the following member:
    1. There shall be 5 (five) Office Bearers elected by the General Body and shall hold office for a period of 2 years.
    2. There shall be 4 (four) Executive Members who shall be elected by the General Body by a majority vote.
  3. The term of the Executive Committee shall be 2 (two) years.
  4. There will be no restriction for being elected/nominated as executive member for consecutive terms.
  5. The Executive Committee shall have the right to appoint sub-committee(s) from among the General Body from time to time for an execution of specific assignments as required.
  6. Any casual vacancy amongst the members of the Executive Committee arising from death, resignation and removal or otherwise may be filed by co-option by the Executive Committee and the member’s majority decision, subject to fulfilling all the requirements for obtaining the position, so co-opted shall hold office for the balance term of the member being replaced. Such co-opted member shall be treated on par and have all the rights as enjoyed by the elected members. If the number of co-opted members exceed 4 in one term then the executive committee will be dissolved and fresh elections to the executive committee will be held.
  7. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint the staff to regulate or manage the Association’s Activities.
  8. The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the association by majority vote in the committee meeting provided that in case of equality of votes, the President shall have the casting vote.
  9. The Executive Committee shall meet at least two times a year preferably in the month of March and October. The General Secretary shall convene the meting of the Executive Committee Member giving 15 clear days notice along with the Agenda of the meeting to all the members of the Executive Committee. However, in case of urgent business, the meeting may be called at a shorter notice.
  10. E-mail and/or Online Chat Conference facilities may be used by the Executive Committee members to monitor the activities and progress.
  11. The Executive Committee shall be Executive Authority of the association. It shall be responsible to manage al funds of the association and shall give effect to the plans and programmes of the association and shall have the authority to carry out them.
  12. The property, movable and immovable, belonging to the association, shall be vested with the Executive Committee.
  13. The Executive Committee may terminate the membership of any of its members, in case he fails to attend 3 (three) consecutive meetings of the said committee without grant of leave of absence. However, the President may grant leave of absence to any member.
  14. The election of the Executive Committee shall be held normally in the month of April of the year in which the election is due. Until warranted otherwise by the circumstances.
  15. The Office Bearers ad members of the Executive Committee shall be paid no salary, allowances or honorarium etc. The salary, allowances or honorarium for office bearers may be decided in subsequent General Body meeting.
  1. All Office Bearers will be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee and shall be elected as per Rule 13(b) below for a period of 2(Two) years.
  2. The Elected Office Bearers of the Executive Committee shall be:

      The President shall be elected by majority vote of the members in the General Body meeting. He shall be an alumnus of at least 8 years standing and more than 25 years of age. The President will preside over the General Body meeting and Executive Committee meetings.

      The Vice-President shall be elected by majority vote of the members in the General Body meeting. He shall be an alumnus of at least 8 years standing and more than 25 years of age. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will preside over the Executive Body meeting. All powers vested to the President, can be used by Vice-President in such a situation or if delegated by the President.

      The General Secretary shall be elected by majority vote of the members in the General Body meeting. He shall be an alumnus of at least 8 years standing and more than 25 years of age. The General Secretary shall perform the following duties.
      • To keep the Minutes of all meetings of the General Body and the Executive Committee.
      • To carry out the directions of the General Body and the Executive Committee
      • To conduct correspondences on behalf of the Association
      • To give notice of all meetings of the General Body and the Executive Committee.
      • To exercise administrative control over the office of the Association
      • The General Secretary shall seek the advice of the Executive Committee in case a clarification of any kind is required.
      • To prepare and examine all the documents and to inform the Executive Committee of any irregularities found.
      • Authorized to correspond with the Registrar of Societies for registration purpose and amendments, if any
      The Joint-Secretary shall be elected by majority vote of members in the General Body Meeting. He shall be an alumnus of at least 2 years standing and should be more than 19 years of age. In the absence of General Secretary, Executive Committee shall empower the Joint-Secretary to use all rights vested in General Secretary.
      The Treasurer shall be elected by majority vote of members in the General Body Meeting. He shall be an alumnus of at least 6 years standing and more than 24 years of age
      • The Treasurer shall keep-up to date books of accounts of the Association and report on these at each meeting of the Executive Committee.
      • He will collect all dues and claims on behalf of the Association against proper receipt. Every receipt/deposit of payment/subscription shall be acknowledged by issue due receipt from the prescribed receipt book.
      • He will also assist the General Secretary ensuring that budgetary funds are correctly utilized (See Rule 14 below). In addition, he will liaise with the bankers and the Auditors of the Association
      • He shall submit the account books before the Executive Committee on the closing day of every financial year

One of the advisors or any authorized member empowered by the Executive Committee shall be the Returning Officer for the election of next Executive Committee.