- The General Body Meeting shall meet once in a year within 6 months
of the financial year preferably in the month of April to transact
business herein-after. This meeting referred to as the Annual
General Meeting, shall statutorily consider the following:
- Approval of previous year’s accounts, Annual Activities Report.
- Introduction of new office bearer.
- Election of the members of the Executive Committee.
- Appointment of Auditors.
- Approval of Budget and Action plan.
- All the resolutions put to vote at the Genera Body shall be decided by a majority vote (unless otherwise provided) by dropping a paper slip in a box. In case of equality of votes the “Presiding Officer” shall have the casting vote.
- The General Secretary shall give notice of the above meting with a copy of the agenda at least 15 clear days before the meeting.
- The quorum of the meeting will be of 2/3rd of the total members. If the quorum is not there, the meeting will be adjourned to at least 15 days, but the maximum such adjournment will be two.
- An Extra Ordinary General Body meeting can be convened as per the Societies Registration Act.
- If 33% members (of the total members defined in defined in 4(b),4(c) or 2/3rd members of the Executive Committee demand in writing to the President for calling a meeting, then the General Secretary shall give 15 clear days notice of such meeting to all members with a copy of the proposed agenda.
- The quorum of the meting will be 2/3rd of the members. If the quorum is not compete, then the meeting should be adjourned to another 15 days.
- In the event that a special resolution or termination of Executive Committee is passed, a copy of the special resolution or termination will have to be sent to the Registrar within 15 days of the passing of the resolution or termination. The Registrar will have the power to issue necessary guidelines and advice to the association.
A Special General Body Meeting can be convened to transact the following agenda:
- Election of office bearers
- Amendment of the bye-law in the greater interest of the association
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least 4 times in a year or as often as necessary. On the requisition in writing by at least one fourth of the members of the Executive Committee members or on the direction of the President, the General Secretary shall convene the meeting of the Central Council.
- The General Secretary shall convene the meeting of the Executive Committee members giving 15 clear days notice along with the agenda of the meting to all the members of the Executive Committee.
- The quorum of the meeting will be 2/3rd of the Executive Committee members. If the quorum is not complete, then the meeting can be convened on the same day itself by deferring the time by at least 2 hours.